Turn Shoppers
Into Sellers
We ignite social sales faster than any platform.
Ignite Social Sales
We’ve eliminated the friction in eCommerce so anyone can organically sell your brand.
Drive Deeper Engagement.
Empower shoppers to become brand advocates, fostering loyalty, and authentic connnections - it only takes one minute for a shopper to turn on their own shop.
Curated Shops -without the lift.
Capture link-in-bio real estate from powerful creator, influencers, and individuals with curated VideoShops Storefronts.
Same Day Pay - our exclusive tracking method means cash in hand for both the merchant and the seller on the same day an order is placed.
You Own TheCustomer.
Retain valuable data and re-marketing rights, just as if orders took place on your own site.
Performance Based.
You only pay when sales happen.


If you have any further questions, please visit our Help Center or reach out to hello@videoshops.com for more assistance.
Unlock Social Commerce by tapping into shoppers and sellers who are inspired, loving, and authentically sharing your products through their own shops and communities
How do I integrate VideoShops?
It’s fast and easy to integrate your full product catalog into VideoShops (UME) Universal Merchant Engine,  The Brand Directory.

Follow these steps

1: How to Sync your product catalog.
Sign up as a VideoShops merchant. Our step-by-step pdf guide will help you connect your eCommerce platform (Shopify, Woo, etc.). Once connected, VideoShops will automatically sync your product catalog into the Brand Directory for sellers to discover. When a shopper places an order through VideoShops, we send the order directly to your eCommerce platform as if it took place on your site.

2: Connect your Stripe account.
This is how you get paid! We securely process orders through Stripe Connect and make funds available to you the same day an order is placed or on a 30 day cycle, which ever you select.
The merchant handles customer service, returns and refunds. Orders placed through VideoShops flow seamlessly into your eCommerce platform as if they took place on your site and you are the merchant of record for all orders.
We pay faster! With Same Day Pay, we pay you daily for all sales on our platform and sellers receive commissions same day too! Unlike affiliate platforms that take months to pay people promoting your brand,  VideoShops sellers receive commissions the same day, which means happier brand advocates and more sales for you.